Anale. Seria Ştiinţe Economice

Annals. Economic Science Series

Vol. XVIII / 2012 (Vol. XVIII / 2012)

I.S.S.N. 1582 - 6333
editura eurostampa
Timişoara 2012

Clasificată de către CNCSIS în categoria B+ cod CNCSIS 108

Inclusă în categoria B+ de către CNCSIS şi indexată în bazele de date CEEOL, JEL on CD, RePEc, DOAJ și EconLit

This periodical is a B+ category by CNCSIS standards (National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education) (CNCSIS Code 108), and indexed in international databases:
DOAJ, EconLit, RePEc, CEEOL and JEL on CD. Lucrările publicate în acest volum angajează exclusiv răspunderea autorilor. The papers published in this volume engage exclusively the authors responsibility.




Acad. Prof. dr. Ion Păun OTIMAN

Prof. dr. Adrian COJOCARIU

Prof. dr. Crăciun SABĂU

Prof. dr. Constantin NEGRUŢ

Prof. dr. Tibor KIS (Serbia)

Prof. dr. Marija CILEG (Serbia)

Conf. dr. Silvia MEDINSCHI

Conf. dr. Alin MUNTEANU

Conf. dr. Daniela HARANGUŞ

Lect. dr. Ofelia STANCIU

Asist. drd. Raoul GORDEAN

Asist. Manuela GORDEAN

Prep. drd. Suzana ARTENE



Conf. dr. Arion Felix – Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară Cluj Napoca

Prof. dr. Bostan Ionel – Univ. ”Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi

Prof. dr. Boţa Moisin Anton Florin – Universitatea din Pitesti

Prof. dr. Grbac Bruno – Universitatea din Rijeka, Croaţia

Prof. dr. Calu Daniela Artemisa – ASE Bucureşti

Prof. dr. Cojocariu Adrian – Universitatea „Tibiscus” din Timişoara

Prof. dr. Oprean Constantin – Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu

Prof. dr. Marinescu Niculae-Ion – Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti

Conf. dr. Munteanu Alin – Universitatea „Tibiscus” din Timişoara

Prof. dr. Nica Mihai – Universitatea Centrală Oklahoma, SUA

Prof. dr. Niţchi Ioan Ştefan – Universitatea Babeş Bolyai din Cluj Napoca

Prof. dr. Paliu-Popa Lucia – Universitatea “Constantin Brancusi” din Târgu Jiu

Prof. dr. Şerban Radu – ASE Bucureşti

Prof. dr. Ştefănescu Aurelia – ASE Bucureşti

Prof. dr. Todea Nicolae – Universitatea “1 decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia

Prof. dr. Ţurlea Eugeniu – ASE Bucureşti

Universitatea "TIBISCUS" din Timişoara

Facultatea de Ştiinţe Economice

"TIBISCUS" University of Timişoara

Faculty of Economics


#Author & TitlePage
1 Păun Ion OTIMAN – Study on the natural and anthropic tourism resources – factors of sustainable rural development in the area Haţeg-Retezat 11
2 Adrian COJOCARIU, Cristina Ofelia STANCIU – Design and development issues of an XML based e-learning tool 22
3 Adina DORNEAN, Vasile ISAN – A comparative analysis of solutions regarding the current global crisis 27
4 Felicia Ramona BIRAU – The implications of chaos theory on Bucharest stock exchange 36
5 Gheorghe Claudiu FEIES, Dorel MATES, Nicolae VIRAG – The role of technical consumption calculation models on accounting information systems of public utilities services operators 42
6 Veronica Adriana POPESCU, Gheorghe POPESCU, Cristina Raluca POPESCU – Consumers’ perceptions in a volatile environment - a case study for the 2012 society 49
7 Cristina MIHAESCU – Motivational strategies in teaching university students 57
8 Florin Cornel DUMITER, Horatiu Florin SOIM – Bank of England’s monetary policy committee – assessing the importance and the implication upon monetary policy 61
9 Paliu-Popa LUCIA – The impact of Romania’s accession to the European Union on the accounting and tax information 68
10 Cristina SANDU – The implications of buying habits and usage within marketing -the psychology of the buyer’s behavior 76
11 Emilia Mioara CAMPEANU – How can be investigated the fiscal policy effects on the Romanian economy? 80
12 Mihaela UNGUREANU – Role of environmental audit in the modern enterprise 88
13 Mihaela UNGUREANU – Accounting modernization – premise of an effective governance system of enterprise 96
14 Petronela-Sonia NEDEA, Emilia PASCU, Oana-Maria MILEA – The impact on landscape generated by works of improving the navigation conditions on Danube between Calarasi - Braila 102
15 Emilia PASCU, Oana-Maria MILEA, Petronela-Sonia NEDEA – Educating and informing the consumer in order to fight counterfeiting 110
16 Oana Maria MILEA, Petronela - Sonia NEDEA, Emilia PASCU – Tourism satellite account - statistical method for determining the economic impact of tourism 117
17 Bogdan Calin VELICU, Maria-Cristiana MUNTHIU, Mihaela TUTA, Iulia-Adina ZARA – Steps to be followed for egovernment implementation 125
18 Nicolae BACILA – The relationship between government and business r&d expenditure in the European Union 134
19 Danut Vasile JEMNA, Elena CIGU – Fertility and its determinants in Romania after 1995 142
20 Florin MARTIN, Marian CRISTESCU, Laurentiu CIOVICA, Liviu CIOVICA – E-readiness of Romanian SMEs 150
21 Monica OGARLACI, Elena TONEA – Durable development of tourism and its impact on the environment 156
22 Mona VINTILA – A new dimension included in teaching educational sciences: healthy eating behavior 161
23 Marina Luminita SARBOVAN – The recessional develoment 169
24 Marina Luminita SARBOVAN – Is there trust or not? 174
25 Carolina SMOCHINA, Tatiana CERNEI – The process of europeanisation reviewed: the implication of the court of justice of the European Union 179
26 Cristina Ofelia STANCIU, Adrian COJOCARIU, Ljubica KAZI – Multiagent learning within a collaborative environment 185
27 Emilia Mioara CAMPEANU, Elena PADUREAN – Fiscal shocks and the reaction of automatic stabilizers 189
28 Constantin POPESCU – Economical development and environment protection relationship 197
29 Christina MITARIU – The role of business ethics as academic discipline 202
30 Berheci Maria GROSU – The role of advisory committees in the system of the corporate governance. Case study on listed companies in Romania 208
31 Tania PETCOVICI, Raluca CIORTEA – Translation and transfer of the European economic reality 215
32 Anca POPESCU-CRUCERU, Eugenia Gabriela LEUCIUC, Viorel BANULESCU – Economic operators' security through harmonization between national and european law - the first directive 223
33 Simona Cristina COSTEA – Economic efficiency of investments 230
34 Franca DUMITRU, Maria MORARU – The constitution, organization and operation of non-profit organizations 234
35 Franca DUMITRU, Maria MORARU – Financial statements for legal persons without patrimonial purpose 239
36 Angela ROMAN – Sources of financing european smes and new supporting eu policies: evidence from the new eu member states 245
37 Mihaela Cosmina PETRE – Provisions accountancy for pensions and similar liabilities 253
38 Silvia MEDINSCHI, Adela Suzana ARTENE – Reducing employee's unmotivation in the time of crisis 259
39 Maria MORARU, Franca DUMITRU – The importance of materiality in audit 266
40 Maria MORARU, Franca DUMITRU – The role of internal audit within public entities 273
41 Clara-Iulia ZINCA – Corporate governance of banks – present and perspectives 278
42 Christina MOLDOVEANU-BARBU – The pitfalls of the promotional language 287
43 Laura Raisa MILOS – Is the Romanian financial market prepared to support pension system reform? 295
44 Marius MILOS – Financial reports users perspective on the accounting information necessary for valuing enterprises 300
45 Marius MILOS – The old age population in the european union 304
46 Marius MILOS – Net migration and natural change main factors for decreasing population 310
47 Alexandru JIVAN – Certain notes concerning the needs pyramid in knowledge society 314
48 Lucian Ioan SABAU – Current trends of financial reporting in the European Union 323
49 Corina SERBAN, Mihaela PATRASC – Taxes on consumption in some European Union countries 330
50 Alina – Mariana ISTRATE, Ana – Maria PASCU – The impact of the informational market on accounting result and the way of presenting it 336
51 Cristina-Ionela FADUR, Daniela CIOTINA, Marilena MIRONIUC – Empirical study on the degree of homogeneity of financial reporting concerning intangible assets 343
52 Aura Emanuela DOMIL, Alin Emanuel ARTENE, Codruta Daniela PAVEL – International harmonization of accounting standards for multinational entities 351
53 Aura Emanuela DOMIL, Alin Emanuel ARTENE – Taxes applying to capital investment acquisition 358
54 Marinela GEAMANU – Reference models of endogenous economic growth 363
55 Ionela POPA, Dorina LUTA, Diana CODREANU – Romania and the European Union budget, the integration costs and benefits 369
56 Emanuela-Alisa NICA – Survival estimation: the kaplan–meier method applied in endoprosthetics 374
57 Ana-Maria BERCU – The impact of human resource management practices on smes performance in Romania 377
58 Cristina Mihaela NAGY, Bogdan COTLEŢ, Dumitru COTLEŢ, Marina UHER – The impact of the crisis on the financial performance (results) of Romanian insurance companies 385
59 Cristina Mihaela NAGY, Bogdan COTLEŢ, Dumitru COTLEŢ, Marina UHER – The ability of Romanian insurers to cover technical reserves under present conditions 393
60 Bogdan COTLEŢ, Cristina Mihaela NAGY, Dumitru COTLEŢ – The necessity for accounting regulations generally accepted at international level 401
61 Bogdan COTLEŢ, Cristina Mihaela NAGY, Dumitru COTLEŢ – Creative techniques for modeling performance reported in financial statements 407
62 Cristina Mihaela NAGY, Ramona VASILESCU – The internet’s impact on the Romanian insurance industry 412
63 Marina UHER, Cristina Mihaela NAGY, Bogdan COTLET, Dumitru COTLET – merger of commercial companies in the conditions of the financial crisis 417
64 Marina UHER, Cristina Mihaela NAGY – Judicial reorganization – solution for crisis periods 421
65 Camelia MARIN, Isabella SIMA, Alina VOICULET, Mihaela RUXANDA – City, sustainable development engine 426
66 Delia DAVID, Luminita PAIUSAN – Methods used by banks when taking medium term and long term financing decisions 432
67 Mihaela Simona DOGAN – The role of the Europe 2020 strategy concerning economic growth in health 441
68 Gabriela LAZAR, Gabriela SANDU – Implementing ifrs in the banking system 447
69 Adela Suzana ARTENE, Silvia MEDINSCHI – Proposed solutions for combating human capital erosion in Romania 452
70 Ana-Maria TEODORESCU – Community environmental programs in the context of sustainable development 456
71 Constantin NEGRUT, Ramona Violeta VASILESCU, Simona CATA – Marketing consultancy in agrotourism along the Romanian web sites 462
72 Monica TEGLEDI – Territorial support of macroeconomic processes and national priorities 465
73 Rodica Gabriela BLIDISEL – Financial performance and e-governance indicators in local public administration 472
74 Ana-Maria MARCULESCU, Octavian-Florin DONDERA – Ethics or creative in professional accountants work? 477
75 Denisa ABRUDAN, Catalin MARTIN – Realities regarding the student perception of the education and development entrepreneurial spirit needs in the context of the actual economy. Study case 481
76 Andrei SCHWARTZ, Janeta WEISZ – Considerations on the impact of icts on the location and structure of two business services companies 489
77 Andrei SCHWARTZ, Janeta WEISZ – The role of innovation in increasing efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises 498
78 Mircea ASANDULUI – On forecasting stock options volatility: evidence from London international financial futures and options exchange 507
79 Ionela Carmen PIRNEA, Elena Alexandra CĂLDĂRARU – The relationship between performance and knowledge management in Romanian SMEs 514
80 Dorel MATEŞ, Laura – Adriana COJOCARU (ALIONESCU) – Stocks evaluation in Romanian and international financial accounting 520
81 Dalia PETCU, Sorin SUCIU, Vasile GHERHES, Ciprian OBRAD – Advertising communication and gender stereotypes 526
82 Antoneta SIMEN – The EBRD co-financing by loan syndications 531
83 Dalia PETCU, Vasile GHERHES, Sorin SUCIU, Ioan DAVID – Communication strategies in business promotions 535
84 Andreea-Oana IACOBUTA – Several issues affecting sustainability of healthcare financing in Romania 539
85 Daniela HARANGUS – Banking performances in the context of the international financial crisis 547
86 Codruta PAVEL, Carmen IMBRESCU, Aura DOMIL, Ciprian PAVEL – Risk management and prevention of fraud in card transactions 551
87 Codruta PAVEL, Gianina Violeta DRAGOTA, Ciprian PAVEL – The control activity exercised by permanent control compartiments in credit institutions 557
88 Ciprian PAVEL – The impact of modern forms of retail commerce on consumer’s behavior 561
89 Ionel BOSTAN – The legal and financial consequences of the irregular practices concerning the remuneration in the institutions financed from the local budgets, revealed by the external public audit 566
90 Raoul Sabin GORDEAN – The direct or indirect access of agricultural producers in timiş county on the urban market in timişoara 572
91 Manuela Florentina GORDEAN – Most common mistakes in english as a second language 576
92 Diana-Elena CODREANU, Ionela POPA, Cristina TENOVICI, Denisa PARPANDEL – Financial accounting systems - ratio between accounting organisation system and informatic approach 580
93 Andreea BAHNAREANU – Leading change in the public arena 585
94 Ionel BOSTAN – Attempts to codify the rules of private and public property of the state and of the territorial-administrative units 592
95 Alunica MORARIU – The refinement of the institutional framework concerning the assesment, promotion and professional training of the public manager 596
96 Maria Madalina SALOMIA – Methods and techniques regarding the audit of financial standing 604
97 Maria-Mihaela DINCA, Nicolae Paul VIRAG, Bogdan COTLET – The role of accounting information in the economic entity 611
98 Dumitru POPOVICI, Daniela Marioara POPOVICI – Techniques and procedures for mobilization of the local resources with the help of state treasury 616
99 Marian ZAHARIA, Aniela BALACESCU – An analysis of vital statistics and death causes evolution in Romania in 1990-2010 period 620
100 Adrian TANASE, Florin FRANT, Diana TANASE – Institutional environment – basic requirement of economic competitiveness 628
101 Rodica Gabriela BLIDISEL – ITC implementation in Romanian local public entities 632
102 Carmen Mihaela IMBRESCU, Camelia HATEGAN – Creative accounting and fiscal fraud 640
103 Ana-Maria PASCU, Alina-Mariana ISTRATE – Civil responsibility in audit. an objective necessity of economic reality 646
104 Florin Cornel POPOVICI, Florin POPOVICI – Considerations regarding the effect of applying the contraventional fines to the administrative-territorial units 652
105 Nicoleta BUZILĂ – Promoting throught the internet with social-media networking 658
106 Mirela BONCEA, Silvia Madincea PASCU – Teaching Italian as a foreign language: the educational use of economic texts 664
107 Viorica STAN – The relevance of keynes in the context of actual financial collapse 669
108 Dana Maria OPREA – The influence of air humidity on the environment in the area of Slatina city 673
109 Diana DUMITRESCU, Nicolae BOBITAN – IFRS roadmap or “all road lead to… convergence?” 678
110 Diana TANASE, Adrian TANASE, Florin FRANT – Macroeconomic stability - important factor of economic competitiveness 685
111 Claudia-Nicoleta DOBRESCU, Mirela COSTENCU – Considerations concerning the role of the marketing specialist in the tourism organization 689
112 Alunica MORARIU – Normative premises and approaches for flexibilizing the access in the category of senior civil servants 693
113 Laura Ramona RADUCAN – The process of monitoring and controlling with reference to the banking activity 699
114 Annee-Marie GRECEA – The presentation of the capital in financial statements. The concept of maintaining capital. 706
115 Alin Emanuel ARTENE, Aura Emanuela DOMIL, Ionel BOSTAN, Costică ROMAN – Implementing environmental balance sheet within european private companies 710
116 Mihaela-Iuliana PATRASC, Corina SERBAN – Tax evasion in Romania and some methods to prevent and combat it 714
117 Alin Emanuel ARTENE, Aura Emanuela DOMIL, Crăciun SABAU – Environmental management accounting and the opportunity cost of environment management systems 718
118 Violeta Gianina DRAGOTA – The effects of the financial and economic crisis on fdi 722
119 Angelica-Nicoleta ONEA, Maria TATARUSANU – Sustenability from the mankind - nature entropic exchange perspective 727
120 Raluca Georgiana POPESCU, Denisia VINTILA, Raluca ERDINC – The evolution of the regional disparities of foreign direct investments in Romania influenced by the integration in the European Union and the economic crisis 733
121 Dana Codruta DUDA-DAIANU – Innovative cluster – a conceptual analyse 740
122 Dana Codruta DUDA-DAIANU, Daniela HARANGUS – Considerations regarding the factors that influence the performance of cluster 746
123 Daniela HARANGUS, Dana Codruta DUDA DAIANU – Strategy "Europe 2020" - an analysis of proposed objectives 752
124 Raluca Georgiana POPESCU – The regional location of foreign direct investments: a review of the evidence 758
125 Alina VOICULET, Nicoleta BELU, Denisa – Elena PARPANDEL, Diana CODREANU – National and transnational in the context of the knowledge-based society 766
126 Csongor CSŐSZ, Partenie DUMBRAVĂ, Albert MÁRTON – Creative accounting – tangible assets and amortization 770
127 Alin OPREANA, Diana MIHAIU – Fiscal policy and the optimal gdp under a budget constrain condition 778
128 Silvia Madincea PASCU, Sorin Daniel VINTILĂ – Business communication and Italian commercial correspondence 786
129 Iulia-Adina ZARA, Bogdan Calin VELICU, Maria-Cristiana MUNTHIU, Mihaela TUTA – Using analytics for understanding the consumer online 791
130 CARMEN MARIANA CODREANU – Economic indicators of quality of life 797
131 Alin Daniel MUNTEANU – Innovation in the eu context 803
132 Alin Daniel MUNTEANU – Development of electronic commerce in europe 809
133 Alina RUSU – IFRS adoption around the world - a brief literature review 814
134 Nicolae Paul VIRAG, Gheorghe Claudiu FEIES, Maria-Mihaela DINCA, Dorel MATES – Accounting a consultant in the management process 822
135 Liana PATER – Building mathematical models in dynamic programming 826
136 Elena Codruta BADEA – Teaching legal english as a second language 832
137 Isabella - Cristiana SIMA, Camelia - Aurelia MARIN, Mihaela RUXANDA, Elena NISIPEANU – The credibility of the exchange rate after the failure of the European monetary system and in the context of the current crisis 837
138 Sorin SUCIU, Dalia PETCU – Social media and political unrest 846
139 Elena Doina LEPADAT – The management of financial crises in companies 851
140 Nicolae-Eugen MUNTEANU, Ana-Maria Popescu STÎNGACIU – The strategic planning process at administrative-territorial level from the west region based on the regional development plan 2007-2013 west region 855
141 Corina MICULESCU, Marius MICULESCU – Strategic cost management - the main instrument of competitive advantage in the current economic environment 863
142 Adina HORABLAGA, Nicolae Marinel HORABLAGA – Economical efficiency of the Oenothera Biennis l. cultivation in the biological system 870
143 Daniela ENACHESCU, Andreea RADULESCU – Analyze the efficiency of keyword search algorithms 874
144 Mihaela Brindusa TUDOSE – Dimensions of the research on capital structure and firm performance 882
145 Irina BILAN, Florin OPREA – EU fiscal consolidation strategies in times of crisis – comparative approaches 890
146 Bogdan FIRTESCU – Growth economic models and their implications to financial policy during transition. A theoretical approach. 899
147 Florin OPREA, Elena CIGU – Local sustainable development – implications for local public finances 907
148 Cristinel ICHIM – Financial side analysis of local autonomy in Romania 915