# | Author & Title | Page |
1 |
Păun Ion OTIMAN – Rural development and agriculture: opportunities to attenuate the economic and financial crisis and to resume economic growth |
11 |
2 |
Adrian COJOCARIU, Cristina Ofelia STANCIU – The intelligent business intelligence solutions |
35 |
3 |
Florica ŞTEFĂNESCU, Delia BEKESI, Lioara COTURBAS – Woman’s economical status in contemporary society |
42 |
4 |
Veronica Adriana POPESCU, Cristina Raluca POPESCU, Gheorghe N. POPESCU – Challenges in the private banking industry uncertainty, worse than tough financial rules |
51 |
5 |
Cristina Raluca POPESCU, Veronica Adriana POPESCU, Gheorghe N. POPESCU – The management of environmental risks or learning how to conserve the natural capital |
59 |
6 |
Ionica HOLBAN (ONCIOIU) – Competition policy vs. entrepreneurship |
64 |
7 |
Nicolae ECOBICI – Basis for the decision to remove from the records of taxable persons registered for VAT in Romania since 2011 |
68 |
8 |
Carmen BUCUR, Sorin BUCUR – Sustainability of economy versus inflation - an analysis of the crisis period in Romania |
74 |
9 |
Magdalena RĂDULESCU – The fraud in electronic payments and measures to fight against it |
79 |
10 |
Magdalena RADULESCU – TNC’s plans regarding FDI during 2009-2011. Investment policy measures |
87 |
11 |
Adina MARTIN – The enterprise investment decisions under the influence of tax facilities |
95 |
12 |
Emilia PASCU, Oana Maria REZEANU – The counterfeiting magnitude -- a quantifying model |
103 |
13 |
Paul-Bogdan ZAMFIR – Trade policy-essential object of the economic and legal framework of international relations |
109 |
14 |
Elena PĂDUREAN, Emilia CÂMPEANU, Ionel LEONIDA – Evaluation of the fiscal policy transmission mechanism in the current economic and financial conditions |
114 |
15 |
Emilia CÂMPEANU – Investigation of the major issues within the Romanian fiscal and budgetary policies |
121 |
16 |
Radu RĂDUCAN, Ramona RĂDUCAN – Diagnostic analysis of human resources – case study in S.C. Drill Well S.A. Craiova |
132 |
17 |
Bogdan CĂPRARU – Romania in the context of international banking. An historical approach |
142 |
18 |
Ramona RĂDUCAN, Radu RĂDUCAN – Features of non-banking financial services consumption – pledging |
149 |
19 |
Alina Oana ZAMOȘTEANU, Daniel MURANYI, Paolo DIANA, Sid ABDELLAOUI, Mihaela TOMIȚĂ – European training partnership for an inclusive society |
157 |
20 |
Emilia UNGUREANU, Felix-Constantin BURCEA, Daniela PÎRVU – The analysis of interest rate and exchange rate influence’s on stock market. Medium run evidence from Romania |
163 |
21 |
Oana Mihaela ORHEIAN – A new business-mediation. Advantages and disadvantages of mediation and negotiation |
171 |
22 |
Ada-Iuliana POPESCU – Making eco-labeling work in the European Union |
179 |
23 |
Costinela-Luminiţa DEFTA – E-banking risks and security issues |
186 |
24 |
Costinela-Luminiţa DEFTA – E-business security aspects |
190 |
25 |
Dana-Codruţa DUDA DAIANU, Daniela HARANGUS – Comparative analysis of methods for determining the happiness degree of nations |
196 |
26 |
Aurelia ŞTEFĂNESCU, Eugeniu ŢURLEA, Daniela Artemisa CALU, Mihaela MOCANU, Florina NICOLAE – Approaches on the costs into the public sector entities |
203 |
27 |
Ozana Alexandra STRǍUŢ – Doing business in Romania – Romanian business etiquette |
211 |
28 |
Sorin BRICIU, Sorinel CĂPUŞNEANU, Cristian-Marian BARBU – The analysis of the impact of the ABC method on traditional management accounting systems in Romania |
218 |
29 |
Ana-Maria BERCU – Reforming the public services through public-private partnership. The Romanian case |
225 |
30 |
Daniel KYSILKA, Silvia MEDINSCHI – Managing the quality components of higher education services |
232 |
31 |
Daniel KYSILKA, Silvia MEDINSCHI – Total quality management in higher education services basic principles |
240 |
32 |
Ramona-Violeta VASILESCU, Olivia Anne-Marie VALE (SAIERLI) – Statistical analysis of hospitality services in Romania using the rank-ordering method. Case Study “Casa Ecologica” guesthouse |
247 |
33 |
Claudia BOBÂLCĂ, Oana CIOBANU – Developing a model of customer satisfaction |
252 |
34 |
Oana CIOBANU, Claudia BOBÂLCĂ – Importance of credibility’s factors an analysis on a particular category of web sites |
260 |
35 |
Gica Gherghina CULIŢĂ, Silviu Petrişor NICULCEA, Cristina BUNEA-BONTAŞ – Doing business in the European Union |
268 |
36 |
Viorica STAN, Gabriela SANDU – Pricing and equilibrium conditions for the market of production factors in the perfect competition |
274 |
37 |
Nicoleta ISAC, Crenguta TOMESCU – Evolution and impact of imports/exports of cars in EU |
277 |
38 |
Nicoleta ISAC, Crenguta TOMESCU – Important standard ISO 16949 quality management applied in automobile industry |
282 |
39 |
Luminiţa ŞERBĂNESCU – Business intelligence applications for human resource outsourcing |
287 |
40 |
Luminiţa ŞERBĂNESCU – Training of employees - a component part of the human resource management |
293 |
41 |
Gabriela SANDU – Performance concept and its importance for users of the information contained in annual financial statements |
299 |
42 |
Gabriela SANDU, Viorica STAN – Accounting system in terms of inflation |
302 |
43 |
Cristina BÂLDAN, Tiberiu AVRĂMESCU – Diagnostic analysis of Romanian rural space in order to classify rural areas by the degree of inequity in South Muntenia region-territory equipment criteria |
306 |
44 |
Adela Suzana COLŢA, Silvia MEDINSCHI – The negative impact of the global crisis upon teamwork |
313 |
45 |
Cristina Ofelia STANCIU, Adrian COJOCARIU, Ljubica KAZI – XML technologies in collaboration with Machine Learning algorithms for business decisions |
317 |
46 |
Angela ROMAN – Particularities of the Romanian business environment and the impact on small and medium-sized enterprises |
324 |
47 |
Loredana Ionela VĂDUVA, Cristina MIHĂESCU – Job satisfaction – an emotional state which leads to personal development and, consequently, to company development |
332 |
48 |
Mariana MIHĂILESCU, Marinela LĂZĂRICĂ – The process of Romania’s accession to the Schengen space. The Schengen information system |
335 |
49 |
Petronela-Sonia NEDEA – The transboundary impact generated by works of improving the navigation conditions on the Romanian-Bulgarian common sector of the Danube |
343 |
50 |
Petronela-Sonia NEDEA, Mădălina ANDREI, Iuliana POP – Diversity of cultural tourism in Turkey |
349 |
51 |
Camelia Mădălina ORAC, Viorina Maria JUDEU – Methods for assessing the impact of structural instruments on the sustainable development |
358 |
52 |
Andreea BĂLTĂREŢU – Methods and indicators for measuring the impact of tourism on protected natural areas |
366 |
53 |
Tiberiu Cristian AVRĂMESCU, Cristina Florentina BÂLDAN – Some considerations on the government involvement in tourism development through fiscal and monetary measures |
372 |
54 |
Nicoleta BUZILĂ, Gianina Violeta DRAGOTĂ, Ciprian PAVEL, Codruţa Daniela PAVEL – The impact of the economic crisis on European retail |
380 |
55 |
Laura-Ramona RĂDUCAN – The independence of the local public finance |
384 |
56 |
Oana Maria REZEANU, Emilia PASCU – The tourist services quality concept |
392 |
57 |
Laura-Ramona RĂDUCAN – The financing of local communities in some European states |
398 |
58 |
Ciprian APOSTOL – Analysis of the dynamic financial balance |
406 |
59 |
Daniela HARANGUS, Dana-Codruta DUDA-DAIANU – Aspects regarding the influence of economic crise on Romanian financial system |
410 |
60 |
Daniela HARANGUŞ – Challenges for Romanian monetary policy |
416 |
61 |
Silvia MEDINSCHI, Daniel KYSILKA – The impact of the leader’s image on business efficiency |
421 |
62 |
Silvia MEDINSCHI, Daniel KYSILKA – Learn to be a leader |
427 |
63 |
Silvia MEDINSCHI, Adela-Suzana COLȚA – Continuous training – a necesity for good organizational performance |
432 |
64 |
Loredana Ionela VĂDUVA, Irina MELINTE – Employee performance management appraisal and its relevance within organizations |
438 |
65 |
Simona Cristina COSTEA – Usage characteristics of farmland in agricultural exploitations |
441 |
66 |
Ileana Cosmina PITULICE, Mădălina DUMITRU – The European Common agricultural policy reform: challenges for Romania |
445 |
67 |
Oana Nicoleta BUCUR, Loredana-Ioana PRIBAC – European market crisis control. Steps exit by 2020 |
452 |
68 |
Lucian Ioan SABĂU, Crăciun SABĂU, Alin Emanuel ARTENE – Qualitative characteristics and utility of the information contained in financial statements in making decisions |
456 |
69 |
Aura Emanuela DOMIL, Alin Emanuel ARTENE, Adela Suzana COLŢA, Lucian Ioan SABĂU – The importance of SME’s in Romania, in the context of the global crisis |
460 |
70 |
Aura Emanuela DOMIL, Alin Emanuel ARTENE, Dan Aurelian ŞTIRBU – Short-term financial planning for small and medium sized enterprises |
464 |
71 |
Loredana Ioana PRIBAC, Oana Nicoleta BUCUR – Issues of mutual funds in Romania |
469 |
72 |
Franca DUMITRU – Financial and accounting management in public cultural institutions |
474 |
73 |
Franca DUMITRU, Maria MORARU – Treasury management - scope of financial management |
481 |
74 |
Maria MORARU, Franca DUMITRU, Dan Aurelian ŞTIRBU – The financing of public cultural institutions in Romania and some European countries |
487 |
75 |
Cristina BUNEA-BONTAŞ, Mihaela Cosmina PETRE, Oana Grazia PETROIANU – Consensual and controversial issues on IFRS for SMEs |
495 |
76 |
Cristina Mihaela NAGY, Viorel TRIF – Accounting policies on treasury and financing picture |
502 |
77 |
Viorel TRIF, Cristina Mihaela NAGY – The social role of the accounting expertise: comparative aspects regarding the accounting expertise and control activities |
506 |
78 |
Alina Teodora CIUHUREANU, Nicolae BALTEŞ – Reflections on the management of the financial-accounting activity in the context of information society and change |
512 |
79 |
Alina Teodora CIUHUREANU, Nicolae BALTEŞ – Aspects regarding the budgeting process within public institution |
520 |
80 |
Maria ISAC, Limbău Maria CLAUDIA, Bogdan COTLEŢ, Dumitru COTLEŢ – The informational potential of financial accounting and its users |
528 |
81 |
Cristina Mihaela NAGY – Crisis efects upon the insurance industry |
533 |
82 |
Cristina Mihaela NAGY, Marina UHER, Bogdan COTLEŢ – Changes of capital in insurance companies according to the rules of the European Union |
539 |
83 |
Sorin VINTILA, Mona VINTILĂ, Tania PETCOVICI – Academic strategies of creating specialists qualified in early education |
545 |
84 |
Marina UHER, Cristina NAGY, Bogdan COTLEŢ – Tax and accounting procedures in the merger of insurance companies |
550 |
85 |
Marina UHER, Bogdan COTLEŢ, Dumitru COTLEŢ – Specific aspects in the accounting of restructuring European companies |
556 |
86 |
Raoul GORDEAN, Mihaela DOGAN, Ciprian PAVEL – Promotional means of neutralizing the impact of the academic crisis |
562 |
87 |
Florin Ioan SCORŢESCU, Gheorghe SCORŢESCU – The consolidation’s journal elaboration for the proportionally integration case |
565 |
88 |
Florin Ioan SCORŢESCU, Gheorghe SCORŢESCU – The using of consolidation journal at the global integration method |
570 |
89 |
Dorel MATES, Gheorghe Claudiu FEIES, Nicolae VIRAG – The role of the finance-accountant system within the operators’ management process of community services of public utilities |
575 |
90 |
Mihaela Simona DOGAN, Nicoleta BUZILĂ, Raoul Sabin GORDEAN – The role of promotions on the retail market |
583 |
91 |
Alina VOICULET, Nicoleta BELU, Denisa PARPANDEL – XXI century - a century of big corporations |
589 |
92 |
Florin OPREA, Elena CIGU – Financial management of local governments in Romania – problems and possible solutions |
593 |
93 |
Bogdan FÎRȚESCU – Financial system stability during crises |
601 |
94 |
Mihaela-Iuliana PĂTRAŞC – The financial and the lack of financial balance |
609 |
95 |
Gianina CIORASTEANU, Gica CULITA – A program that support the Romanian products an important factor to stimulate consumption of national products |
612 |
96 |
Alin Daniel MUNTEANU – Influences of electronic commerce in the new information society |
616 |
97 |
Mădălina DUMITRU, Mihaela DUMITRANA, Gabriel RADU, Gabriel JINGA, Valentin DUMITRU – Empirical study on the human resources management control: the case of public sector |
621 |
98 |
Annee-Marie GRECEA – The legislative reform on corporate governance |
630 |
99 |
Daniela MARDIROS, Roxana DICU – Human capital performance ratios in an emergent economy. The case of top telecommunications firms in Romania |
635 |
100 |
Ciprian PAVEL, Violeta Gianina DRAGOTĂ, Mihaela DOGAN – Ethics and its role in marketing decisions |
643 |
101 |
Claudia PĂŞCOI, Vasiliana DAFINESCU – The diagnosis of financial statements importance in estimating the value of the company |
647 |
102 |
Mihaela Cosmina PETRE, Cristina BUNEA-BONTAŞ, Grazia Oana PETROIANU – Evaluation of capital instruments granted within share based payment transactions |
651 |
103 |
Marcela BENGESCU, Lucian-Cătălin BENGESCU – Legal, fiscal and accounting peculiarities regarding the authorized capital increase |
658 |
104 |
Roxana DICU, Maria GROSU – Optimizing human capital – between the motivation of the employees and the performance required by the corporate responsibility |
664 |
105 |
Anca Liliana BUJOR – Flexible career under conditions of the society based on knowledge |
671 |
106 |
Ionel Eduard IONESCU – Models of portofolio management. Markowitz model vs CAPM model |
677 |
107 |
Nataliţa Maria SPERDEA – Some problems of meat and meat products’ distribution and marketing |
683 |
108 |
Constantin Cristian OPREA – The evaluation of the primary financial securities on the capital market |
692 |
109 |
Manoela POPESCU, Cecilia Luminita CRENICEAN – Development and effective use of human capital - essential condition for business development in the global crisis conditions |
698 |
110 |
Elena Doina LEPADAT – General aspects regarding the bank insolvency in international trade law |
702 |
111 |
Carolina SMOCHINA, Tatiana CERNEI – The role of the principle of the rule of law in the case law of the court of justice of the European Union from the perspective of human rights |
706 |
112 |
Manoela POPESCU, Cecilia Luminita CRENICEAN – CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and business development, in the global crisis |
714 |
113 |
Nicoleta Magdalena IACOB (CIOBANU) – The impact of distributed databases in business development |
718 |
114 |
Cătălina GORGAN – Financial reporting changes in the context of the international accounting convergence |
722 |
115 |
Camelia Iuliana LUNGU – Environmental sustainability indicators: a reporting tool of corporate responsibility |
730 |
116 |
Nicoleta Magdalena IACOB (CIOBANU) – The distributed transaction management in the modern economy |
739 |
117 |
Camelia Iuliana LUNGU, Daniela Nicoleta SAHLIAN, Maria Violeta CIMPOERU – Debates on social and environmental risks. approaches in financial institutions |
745 |
118 |
Cătălina GORGAN, Vasile GORGAN, Valentin Florentin DUMITRU, Flavius Andrei GUINEA – Adopting the international financial reporting standards at European level: difficulties and consequences |
753 |
119 |
Vasiliana DAFINESCU, Claudia PĂŞCOI, Georgică Alin MIRCEA-DAFINESCU – Accounts manipulation |
761 |
120 |
Mihaela DINCĂ – Harmonizing the accounting and taxation systems in Romania |
766 |
121 |
Mihaela BÎRSAN, Ştefăniţă ŞUŞU, Alina Irina BALAN – Economic knowledge and innovation in tourism entrepreneurship |
771 |
122 |
Mihaela BÎRSAN, Alina BALAN, Ştefăniţă ŞUŞU – Econimic and financial analysis – determinant of behavior in organizations |
778 |
123 |
Grazia Oana PETROIANU, Cristina BUNEA-BONTAŞ, Mihaela Cosmina PETRE – The use of accounting information to adopt managerial decisions |
786 |
124 |
Corina ŞERBAN (BOICEANU), Franca DUMITRU – Public audit in Romania and United Kingdom |
792 |
125 |
Diana Elena CODREANU, Denisa PARPANDEL, Ionela POPA – Architecture On-Line Analytical Processing |
798 |
126 |
Manuela Florentina GORDEAN – Advertising – regarded as a means of market penetration |
803 |
127 |
Cristina SANDU – An actual major objective: the necessity of permanent increase of competitiveness of worldwide wine |
806 |
128 |
Camelia MARIN, Isabella SIMA, Elena NISIPEANU – Economic integration, a dynamic and contradictory process |
810 |
129 |
Adina HORABLAGA, Nicolae Marinel HORABLAGA – Improving environmental performance through implementation of community environmental management and audit scheme (EMAS) in companies |
819 |
130 |
Adina HORABLAGA, Nicolae Marinel HORABLAGA – Strategies of improving the air quality in the context of sustainable development in Timisoara municipality |
824 |
131 |
Gina Raluca GUŞE, Adriana CALU, Daniela Artemisa CALU, Viorel AVRAM – The effect of conservatism and precautionary principles on the reporting practices of economic entities |
829 |
132 |
Loredana CIURLĂU – Particularities regarding the influence of the budgetary procedure over the management control |
837 |
133 |
Liliana-Victoria GHERMAN – The development of the business in the market economy |
843 |
134 |
Cristina-Ionela FĂDUR, Daniela CIOTINĂ – The accounting of intangible capital |
848 |
135 |
Mariana MIHĂILESCU, Gianina CIORĂȘTEANU – BRIC - global governance redefinition |
853 |
136 |
Marian ŢAICU – Considerations regarding the improvement of cost calculation in the bakery industry using UVA method |
860 |
137 |
Dina Maria LUŢ, Monica OGÂRLACI – Evolution of approaches in organizational management. Changing organizational paradigm |
867 |
138 |
Gheorghe CRISAN, Lia Ioana CRISAN – European funds - a solution or a chimera of regional development |
874 |
139 |
Maria-Daniela BONDOC, Ramona-Florina POPESCU – Considerations upon eco-efficiency measurement and reporting |
881 |
140 |
Mioara BORZA – The eco-economic assessment of entrepreneurial strategies for sustainable waste management |
886 |
141 |
Dragoş MANGIUC – EBXML - towards a global electronic market |
893 |
142 |
Dragoş MANGIUC – Power to change – how XML reshaped modern computing |
901 |
143 |
Blidişel Rodica GABRIELA – Accounting information and electronic public sector reporting |
909 |
144 |
Ioneci MIHAELA, Ene SEBASTIAN – Brief statistics of the Nobel Prize winners for economics |
915 |
145 |
Lucia PALIU-POPA – Intra-community acquisitions versus imports |
920 |
146 |
Mariana Claudia MUNGIU-PUPĂZAN – Structural changes in Romanian economy over the achievement of a functional market economy |
926 |
147 |
Gina Raluca GUŞE, Cornelia DASCĂLU, Chiraţa CARAIANI, Camelia Iuliana LUNGU – New approaches to costing models in Romania: the recognition of externalities |
934 |
148 |
Cecilia Elena VĂDUVA – Economic growth and international economic relations of Romania |
943 |
149 |
Mariana Claudia MUNGIU-PUPĂZAN – Deindustrialization and industrial conversion – a framework for restructuring in real economy |
947 |
150 |
Maria VĂDUVA – Competitiveness and its advantage |
952 |
151 |
Maria Violeta CIMPOERU, Maria RADU – Study regarding the traditional budgeting versus sustainable performance budgeting |
957 |
152 |
Dan SERGHIE – Practices and structures of an inter-organizational collaboration |
965 |
153 |
Elena Mihaela BOTEA, Daniela Nicoleta SAHLIAN, Georgiana Oana STANILA – Stress tests in the insurance field – conceptual or implementing difficulties |
973 |
154 |
Liana SON, Graţiela Georgiana CARICA – An impact analysis of active and passive labor market policies within the European Union |
980 |
155 |
Amalia-Luisa PUPĂZĂ (C. MITRULESCU-PĂIŞEANU), Marius-Horea HERBEI – Financial performance in the public health system from Romania |
987 |
156 |
Bogdan Gabriel VASILCIUC, Florin VĂDUVA, Nicolae MERCIOIU – Collaborative processes. Decision making. Growth in business performance |
995 |
157 |
Gianina Violeta DRAGOTĂ, Nicoleta BUZILĂ, Raoul Sabin GORDEAN, Codruţa Daniela PAVEL – Global and regional trends on development factoring |
1001 |
158 |
Mihai GABRIEL – Computer applications used in electronic governance |
1005 |
159 |
Aurelian Ionut CEAUŞESCU – The comparative analysis of development disparities in the regions |
1010 |
160 |
Emilian M. DOBRESCU, Diana-Mihaela POCIOVĂLIŞTEANU – On the slide of public deficiency and financial settlements |
1018 |
161 |
Liana BADEA, Diana-Mihaela POCIOVĂLIŞTEANU – Prosperity and education - an indissoluble connection? |
1027 |
162 |
Alin Daniel MUNTEANU – E-business in the context of the new economy |
1035 |
163 |
Mihaela GADOIU – Modern instruments for financial performance monitoring |
1039 |
164 |
Amalia-Luisa PUPĂZĂ (C. MITRULESCU-PĂIŞEANU), Marius-Horea HERBEI – The evaluation of financial performance in the public health system general information |
1044 |
165 |
Carmen Mariana CODREANU – Can small and medium enterprises win the battle for innovation? |
1050 |
166 |
Dacian Sorin DUDAŞ – Unilateral legislative measures and methods for avoiding the international double taxation |
1053 |
167 |
Bogdan Gabriel VASILCIUC, Nicolae MERCIOIU, Florin MARTIN – A new way of interacting with business data by using the collaborative platforms |
1060 |
168 |
Maria VASILESCU – The evolution of financial crises: a historical perspective |
1067 |
169 |
Camelia MARIN, Isabella SIMA – Regional sustainable development South-West Oltenia |
1073 |
170 |
Ioana-Adriana MURARIU – Modern approaches regarding transnational corporations activities in the current economic context |
1079 |
171 |
Marinela GEAMĂNU – Determination of economic efficiency in terms of risk and uncertainty |
1085 |
172 |
Lavinia Olivia IANCU, Irina COSTESCU – D&O insurance in French law |
1090 |
173 |
Ion LUNGU, Adrian GHENCEA – The dynamic processing of the databases using triggers |
1099 |
174 |
Cerasela MĂGURĂ, Anton-Florin BOŢA MOISIN – Government and public enterprise debt, particularised on the privatizations made in Romania |
1105 |
175 |
Mara Eugenia RAMONA – Causes and consequences of underground economy |
1109 |
176 |
Mara Eugenia RAMONA – The underground economy in Romania |
1117 |
177 |
Nicolae ECOBICI – The parallel between national regulation and international standard for accounting treatment for property, plant and equipment |
1123 |
178 |
Marina Luminita SARBOVAN – Is it zero or intelligent growth? |
1128 |
179 |
Marina Luminita SARBOVAN – Long lasting equilibrium |
1133 |