Seria Științe Economice. Timișoara

Vol. XXI / 2015


Economic Science Series. Timisoara

Vol. XXI / 2015



Redactor şef - Lect.dr. Daniel KYSILKA - "Tibiscus" University of Timişoara

Acad.Prof.dr. Păun Ion OTIMAN - Romanian Academy

Prof.dr. Dumitru POPOVICI - "Tibiscus" University of Timişoara, Faculty of Economics

Prof.dr. Tibor KISS - University of Noi Sad, Faculty of Economics, Subotica, Serbia

Prof.dr. Marija CILEG - University of Noi Sad, Faculty of Economics, Subotica, Serbia

Conf.dr. Silvia MEDINSCHI - "Tibiscus" University of Timişoara, Faculty of Economics

Lect.dr. Franca DUMITRU - "Tibiscus" University of Timişoara, Faculty of Economics

Lect.dr. Ramona VASILESCU - "Tibiscus" University of Timişoara, Faculty of Economics

Asist. drd. Suzana ARTENE - "Tibiscus" University of Timişoara, Faculty of Economics


Prof.univ.dr. Bostan Ionel ”Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava
Prof.univ.dr. Hlaciuc Elena ”Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava
Prof.univ.dr. Petroman Ioan U.S.A.M.V.B. Timisoara
Prof.univ.dr. Popa-Paliu Lucia “Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu Jiu
Prof.univ.dr. Ștefănescu Aurelia Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Conf.univ.dr. Apetri Anișoara ”Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava
Conf.univ.dr. Dudă-Dăianu Codruța "Vasile Goldiș" West University of Arad
Conf.univ.dr. Grosu Veronica  ”Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava
Conf.univ.dr. Hărănguș Daniela "Vasile Goldiș" West University of Arad
Conf.univ.dr. Măcriș Maria University of Petrosani
Conf.univ.dr. Medinschi Silvia ”Tibiscus” University of Timisoara
Conf.univ.dr. Neculaesei Angelica ”Alexandu Ioan Cuza” University, Iași
Conf.univ.dr. Târnăveanu Diana West University of Timisoara. Faculty of Economics

e-I.S.S.N. 1582 - 6333

Publicație indexată în baze de date internaționale: CEEOL, JEL on CD, DOAJ, EconLit, DOAJ, RePEc, EBSCO.

This periodical is indexed in the CEEOL, JEL on CD, DOAJ, EconLit, DOAJ, RePEc and EBSCO databases.

Lucrările publicate în acest volum angajează exclusiv răspunderea autorilor.

The papers published in this volume engages exclusively the authors responsibility.



Authors Title
1. Artene Alin Emanuel, Domil Aura Emanuela, Pereș Cristian  and Saplacan Silviu The Role of Accounting Education and Practice for a Better Economic and Social Development Within the European Union
18 Bercu Ana-Maria and Bui Thanh Hang Informal Economy in Rural Areas in Romania
76 Bostan Ionel Legislative Measures Regarding the Romanian Capital Market in Support of the Transition From Frontier Market To Emerging Market
77 Bostan Ionel   The Jurisdiction of Financial Macro-Risks Management
2 Caran Margareta and Noja Grațiela Georgiana Shaping Factors of Post-Employment Benefits in Romania and Serbia
39 Costea Simona Cristina Analysis on the Evolution of Prices, Income and Household Expenditure
47 Crisan Gheorghe and Crisan Lia-Ioana Multilevel Governance - Opening for Sustainable Development
48 Crisan Gheorghe, Crisan Lia-Ioana and Colta Suzana Adela Limits of Electronic Communication Between Administration and Community
23 Csősz Csongor The Net Profit Evolution of Medium Taxpayer Entities in Covasna County Between 2011 - 2013
27 Csősz Csongor Analyze the Profit Tax Value Evolution of Medium Taxpayer Entities in Covasna County Between 2011 - 2013
54 Demyen Suzana and Lala Popa Ion Productivity and Motivation in Romanian Enterprises
59 Demyen Suzana and Lala Popa Ion Welfare, Education and Longevity – To a Sustainable Human Resource Development
55 Duda Daianu Dana-Codruta Aspects of Labor Market in Romania Post-Accession
57 Duda Daianu Dana-Codruta Methods for Quantifying the Competitiveness of Emerging Countries in Terms of Paternalistic Policies
15 Fantana Raul Sorin Brand Assessment in the Case of Tacit License. Case Study
8 Feies Gheorghe Claudiu and David Delia The Role of Financial- Accounting Systems of European Public Utilities Servicies
19 Galea Mihaela The Role of Mortality in the Economic Growth
46 Gheordunescu Maria Elena and Panoiu Laura Filofteia Implications of Stress in Organizations
80 Golban Alina and Galea Mihaela The Improvement of the Production Flow – Zoppas Industries Romania Firm
53 Gordean Raoul Sabin Methods of Developing and Improving the Current Situation Within the Faculty of Economics, Tibiscus University of Timișoara
63 Harangus Daniela The Analysis of Loans and Deposits Managed By Banks in the Romanian West Region
66 Harangus Daniela Prudential Supervision of Non-Bank Financial Institutions (Nbfis)
28 Iancu Lavinia A New Sanction in the Romanian Insolvency Code
79 Iancu Lavinia Insolvency of the Territorial Administrative Units in Romania
5 Lala Alina Gianina Consumer Style Inventory (CSI): a Review of the Literature
10 Leonida Ionel About the Need To Harmonize the Fiscal Regulations With Taxpayers' Human Nature
35 Lepadat Elena and Turnea Adasena Iconia The Necessity of Human Resources
36 Lepadat Elena and Turnea Adasena Iconia Human Resources Audit – Primary Function of the Human Resources Management
9 Lesconi Frumusanu Natalita-Mihaela and Marin Andreea-Mihaela The Impact of the New Legislative Provisions on the Informational Role of Annual Financial Statements
68 Madincea Pascu Silvia Business Letters and Italian Teaching
69 Medinschi Silvia Efficiency By Achieving Goalsin Small Enterprises
70 Medinschi Silvia Managers Liability in Insolvency Proceedings
14 Mihailă Nicoleta and Isachi Silvia Elena Aspects Concerning the Fiscalization of Smes in Romania in the Current Fiscal Context
24 Mladin Franca and Moraru Maria Documentation of the Audit Process
21 Mladin Franca and Serban Boiceanu Corina Aspects Concerning the Audit Process Management
72 Morariu Alunica Labour Force Migration in the Context of the Free Movement of Persons in the EU Area. Benefits and Costs
78 Morariu Alunica Pluses and Weaknesses in the Applicable Wage Public Sector Staff
58 Moraru Maria  and Mladin Franca Internal Audit in Public Institutions of Romania. a Case Study
42 Nagy Cristina Mihaela and Cotleț Bogdan Reporting Financial Position Through the Balance Sheet
30 Nagy Cristina Mihaela and Cotleț Bogdan Capitalizing Accounting Information in the Decision Making Process
29 Nagy Cristina Mihaela and Sabău Crăciun Similarities and Differences Between Companies Accounting and Territorial Administrative Units Accounting
43 Nagy Cristina Mihaela and Sabău Crăciun Applying the Principles of Accounting in Bankruptcy Proceedings
82 Nani Mihail, Socoliuc Marian and Nicic Tatiana Staff Settlements Accounting in Public Institutions of Republic of Moldova
81 Negrea Romeo   An Alternative Approach for the Assets Pricing in Unstable Financial Markets
34 Oprea Florin and Cigu Elena Improving Local Budget Revenues Collection - Case of Romania
16 Paunescu Loredana Maria Professional Conversion: a Solution or a Compromise?
17 Paunescu Loredana Maria The Influence of Change Wages Over Job Application
71 Petcovici Tania Effective Translation at the Core of Successful Business Communication
44 Popovici Dumitru Financial and Fiscal Policy or Political Clientelism
83 Rof Letitia Maria The Need for Managerial Accounting Organization in the Energy Sector in Romania
40 Sârbovan Marina Luminița Protectionism, Growth and Environmental Demands
25 Secara Carmen Gabriela Analysis of the Professional Training Impact on the Staff Rewarding
26 Secara Carmen Gabriela Recruitment and Selection Strategies at Mcdonalds Pitesti
13 Serb Elena Mihaela Accounting Approach for the Emission of Greenhouse Gas in Romania and France
45 Serb Elena Mihaela Accounting Approach of the Rights of Greenhouse Gases Emissions in Romania and France
22 Serban Boiceanu Corina and Artene Alin Analysis on the Evolution of the Industry in Timis County in 2014
20 Serban Boiceanu Corina and Mladin Franca The Absorption of European Funds in the Communes in Timis County
6 Teodorescu Ana Maria From Economic Development To Sustainable Economic Development
7 Teodorescu Ana Maria Information, the Resource of the New Economy
37 Turnea Adasena Iconia and Lepadat Elena The Criminal Liability
38 Turnea Adasena Iconia and Lepadat Elena Prevention of Insolvency Through Contractual and Judicial Methods
31 Uher Marina and Nagy Cristina Mihaela Accounting and Legislative Interpretations of Tax Evasion Facts - Between Reality and Legality
33 Uher Marina and Nagy Cristina Mihaela Registration of the Financial Netting Contract in Insolvency Proceedings
51 Vasilescu Ramona Violeta   On-Line Documents Content Management Applications
52 Vasilescu Ramona Violeta and Gordean Raoul Sabin Facebook Impact. Case Study: Porolissum
1 Vintilă Mona and Vintilă Sorin Daniel Improving Wellbeing in Adult Education